Choosing The Best Timber Decking Oils for Ultimate Protection!

Choosing The Best Timber Decking Oils for Ultimate Protection!
  March 4, 2024 | View: 202 |   By: Admin

A timber deck is a significant financial investment and a beautiful addition to your outdoor space, but to ensure its longevity and maintain its aesthetic appeal, proper care and protection is recommended. Choosing the right decking oil is one of the best and easiest ways to preserve your deck. Decking oils are applied to nourish and protect timber decks from weathering, splitting, warping, stains, foot traffic, dirt and more. Read through our guide to learn more about the benefits of deck oils, the importance of regular deck oiling, and some of the best deck oils on the market.


Benefits of Deck Oils


Deck oils play a crucial role in protecting your timber decking from the harsh impacts of elements such as UV rays, moisture and fungal growth. The primary benefits of deck oils are:


  1. Preservation of Wooden Charm: Deck oils have the ability to enhance and preserve the natural colour and grain of the timber, providing a warm and inviting appearance.


  1. UV Protection: Consider deck oils as the sunscreen of the timber world. Quality deck oils form a barrier against harmful UV rays, preventing fading and discolouration of the timber decks.


  1. Moisture Resistance: Deck oils form a protective barrier that repels water from the surface of the timber. This, in turn, prevents the wood from absorbing water and minimises the risk of rot and decay.


  1. Fungal and Pest Resistance: Deck oils with certain additives help the wood resist fungal growth and insects, resulting in the overall durability of the deck.


Importance of Regular Deck Oiling


Oiling your deck at regular intervals aids in enhancing its natural beauty and extends its life span. Here’s why you should consider regular oiling for your precious decks.


  1. Prevents Cracking & Splitting: Due to dryness, Timber decks will likely face cracks and splits over time. Regular oiling helps nourish the wood and preserve its beauty.


  1. Maintains Structural Integrity: Regular oiling of wooden decks helps in minimising the impact of weathering and wear.


  1. Cost-Effective Maintenance: Regular decking oil is a cost-effective way to protect your deck investment compared to other extensive repairs and replacements.


Types of Timber Decking Oils


  1. Water-Based Decking Oils: This type of decking oil blocks the pores and covers the surface of the wood with an acrylic film. One of the advantages of water-based decking oils is their rapid drying time, allowing for quicker completion and deck maintenance process. This type of decking oil is also easy to apply straight from the container using a brush, roller or sprayer. 


  1. Oil-Based Decking Oils: Non-water-based decking oils, also called oil-based decking oils, penetrate deeper into the wood fibre to protect the timber from water damage and other elements. Oil-based decking oils provide similar protection compared to water-based oils but require a longer drying period between coats. These oils are known to turn the timber a darker shade of colour, similar to wet wood. A popular choice from this range is the Cutek Extreme CD50.


How To Oil Your Deck?


  1. Clean: The quality of your finished deck depends on its condition before oiling. So, for best results, give your deck a nice cleaning session.
  2. Repair: Always repair any cracks or holes in your deck before oiling.
  3. Apply: Apply an even coat in one go. Interrupted applications can cause inconsistency in the finished decks.


Invest in the right deck oil, like Cutek, to protect your timber decking and enjoy its natural charm for the long term.