How Long Does Timber Decking Last?

How Long Does Timber Decking Last?
  April 4, 2024 | View: 64 |   Categories: Blog |   By: Admin

Outdoor living plays a huge part in the lives of Australian people. For them, carefully designed outdoors are as important as interiors, and timber decking makes an excellent addition to stylish, functional, and durable outdoor spaces. Timber decks undoubtedly add a great visual appeal to our spaces. However, one major question that everyone has is about its lifespan. So, if you are wondering, how long does timber decking last? We have prepared an easy guide to answer that. Here, we will discuss the factors that affect the lifespan of timber deckings and tips on prolonging the same.


Factors Affecting Timber Decking Lifespan


Each timber decking is unique. There’s no common answer, and it's impossible to measure the longevity of decking timbers as they depend on various factors. Let’s go through the major factors that can affect the lifespan of decking timbers.


  • Climate & Weather

Areas with extreme weather conditions, like rain, snowfall, and intense sunlight, can affect the lifespan of decking timbers. The decay of decking timbers is mostly observed in the winter or rainy season. So, cleaning up the decks and covering them with sealants is ideal. 


Foot Traffic & Scratching

Increased usage and foot traffic can cause scratches on decking timbers. This can also happen due to moving furniture or dropping sharp objects on the floor. One suggestion would be to get rubber stoppers attached below your deck furniture to prevent scratching and avoid wearing footwear on the decks.


  • Material Quality

The quality of timber and other materials used for deck construction plays a significant role in the longevity of timber decks. PY Timber Warehouse is committed to providing you with ethically sourced high-quality timbers that will withstand the tests of time. Also, make sure to place your decking timber away from the ground to prevent moisture absorption.


  • Installation Quality

Proper installation techniques like appropriate ventilation, adequate support, and correct fastening will ensure the prolonged longevity of your timber decks.


Timber Decking Maintenance Tips


Here’s how you can enhance the longevity of your precious timber decks.


  • Choose Durable Timber Species: Go for timber species that are highly durable and resistant to decay, insects and weathering.
  • Set a Regular Maintenance Routine: Plan a maintenance routine and ensure that the timber decks are cleaned, sealed, and stained to ensure their longevity.
  • Prompt Repair: Examine the decks for any damage and address them promptly to prevent further deterioration.


Common Mistakes in Deck Maintenance


Deck maintenance may seem easy, but homeowners often make several mistakes that can result in timber decks with shorter lifespans.


  • Using Wrong Cleaner: One for all does not work when it comes to timber decks and cleaners. The cleaner should be suitable for the decking timber species.
  • Neglecting Mildew: If not taken care of, mildew can cause slippery and unsafe decks and accelerate the rotting of the decks.
  • Failing To Sand the Deck: Sanding the deck before sealing is crucial. Sanding opens up the pores on the deck surface, facilitating deep penetration of the sealant and resulting in more efficient protection.
  • Improper Amount of Sealant: Too much or too little sealer will fail to protect the deck surface, trapping moisture and causing peeling and chipping.


Let Us Help You Extend Your Deck’s Life


At PY Timber Warehouse, our goal is to provide high-quality timbers and materials for your dream decking project. From a variety of timbers to maintenance sealants, we provide homeowners with everything they need for construction and care.